Imagine a day where you no longer have to spend time planning and going in circles finding a parking spot for your car. The metro cities in India today are faced with a challenge to keep increasing the parking capacity due to limited availability of urban space while decreasing mobility experience for automobiles and people as well. It has become evident that car parking space is the important link between urban space and mobility management.
The pace of urbanization and motorization will lead to an explosion in parking demands. Interestingly, now there are technological opportunities available to meet parking demands, ranging from conventional ramp type to fully automated type. With the current, ‘Automated Car Parking Systems’ market exceeding $2 Billion worldwide, the potential is clear to see into the immediate future, of Indian metro cities to begin with.
The increasing demand for automated car parking systems is a proof that it is the future of effectual car parking in a developing nation like India. The new technology used in these systems will boost the effectiveness in management of parking and will help avoid traffic jams and all the ill effects that come with it, such as; over saturated car parking’s, environmental degradation, pollution both noise and air, and finally time invested in searching for and retrieving your car from the parking site.
The age old parking technique where a simple space-renting model that was managed and operated manually was followed by
electronic services such as parking meters that partially automated the fee collection. The current system provides basic automation that allows users to independently navigate the complete parking process – from knowing the parking occupancy status to ticketing, parking, and fees.
Leveraging advanced analytics, experience engineering, and newer business models, RR Parkon’s automated car parking systems are aimed to drastically increase the ease of vehicular parking systems with a mission to optimize space and mobility in all the cities of India and the world.